AGASW, Your Marketing Swag
Marketing is not a singular tactic. Marketing is a strategy built on consumer behavior and systems used to move you from a product/service to a sale. NEWS FLASH: "Systems beat goals every time." -Che Brown, The Happy Entrepreneur Now, you may waste time employing single tactics outside of a structured plan, but until you take the time to create and employ your marketing via a working system, you will not get the results that are possible and that you desire. CLASS IS NOW IN SESSION Beyond employing various marketing and promotional tactics, your marketing must be administered through a strategic framework, a system. I've developed a system, a flow. Though top-heavy, once mastered this system/flow/swag will help you achieve greater results. AGASW will help you get sales! Think of AGASW as your marketing swag, your marketing flow. Your AGASW creates a flow for your marketing and makes it easier to measure what works and what doesn't as well as keep you foc...